Thursday, July 5, 2012

Replacement for Facebook

Wow. So I need to get off of facebook, But I still have lots of thoughts and things I feel like sharing with the world. So may as well keep writing since I have slacked on this blog for months....

Thought: Why do people order cappuccinos only to drink the liquid and leave tons of foam behind? You realize what a cap. is right? It's way less milk than a latte. Half of it is foam...on purpose.... *odd*

Thought: I saw 4 people in a row, chewing and shoving food in their mouths today while driving. Eating while on the road is NOT just a rumor...people have truly lost the art of sitting down and enjoying meals. Why can't we be like some European countries? Couple hour long lunches and then a big nap before we continue on with our day. *sigh*

Thought: Sometimes the only thing you can do, is straight up ignore someone. It's better than to argue or persuade or waste emotions and time. I just have to ignore him. And its the most difficult task. Darn.

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