Thursday, October 13, 2011

13 Bliss values....

I'm thinking about Humility today. What does it really mean? I looked it up and I'm digging it so far.
 I wish to be more humble....there are the obvious ways, and of course, the not so obvious. Saying things like "It's my pleasure, I'd be honored to, or a simple thank you" in response. Speaking less, Counting to 3 after someone makes a comment to be sure they are finished. Compliment others often. Give positive feedback. Realize my talents are gifts from God. Don't openly discuss my goals or accomplishments. Apparently being humble makes for a good leader. They say the best leader is usually the first follower. I love following. I don't know if I really desire to be a leader and I desire to just give it all up and give it to God. I have no clue what I'm doing, where I'm supposed to be, or what I'm supposed to be doing. So why not just work as much as I possibly can,...try to get healthy again, stay fit and active, keep my room clean and help around the house. Take care of my cat. Feed my creativity for guitar and drums and arts. I've missed writing in this gig too. As for relationships, I couldn't be thanking God more for sending Brian away. I really hope he does leave. I don't need him around, he distracts me, upsets me, but gives me so much pleasure that only makes me more full of myself. I love myself and hate myself at the same time. It's a really weird place to be in. He's the one that brings up my shoes and earrings and materialistic things so often. He talks about all his travels and then says he doesn't mean to brag. But he's so prideful I can hear it in his voice. He pulls Bible verses out of his ass to always try and prove his point. Self righteous people make me want to puke. I'd rather be messing up and KNOWING how badly I need God's grace and crying when I hear about how Jesus loves us so much than act like I don't need to be redeemed. I need daily redemption. I am nothing without Uncle Christ hahahahah funny joke thanks Luke Overstreet and I desperately want to feel Him closer everyday. I may not always be a good person but I know my heart is full of Love from God and of God and for God. 
I was reading this lady's blog about her 13 Bliss Values and she does studies on each of them, and I would LOVE to do that. I love having challenges and goals. And after hearing heartbreaking news of mishire and mishaps and feeling lonely but surrounded, I need to remind myself what I carry close to my core. Of course rather than 13, I had to choose tons more. So I making mine....25. I know, I'm crazy.

Humility, Joy, Curiosity, Acceptance, Compassion, Delight, Encouragement, Adventure, Flexibility, Imagination, Faith, Passion, Liberation, Candor, Fellowship, Vivacity, Serenity, Vitality, Thankfulness, Spirituality, Warmth, Intimacy, Intuition, Learning, and Humor. 
The list was so long!!!!! I could barely decide. I also love Love, Honor, Trust, Respect, Affection... these are all great things. But I'd love to go into what each of these mean in the world, mean to me, mean in the Bible, how I can live them out, and become these attributes. 

Starting with being humble. Because I really don't care if I'm right or not. And I realize it's not all about me. and I realize I have everything I truly need. And I'm thankful for all that is around me. I don't want to put up a fight or struggle and I just want to be at peace with myself and with the world around me. 

I'm going to keep trying. Most certainly. Humility is giving, serving, honoring, sharing, trusting, appreciating, listening, and kind. It asks for help and advice and recognizes other people, first and foremost. That's what I want. Amen.

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