Thursday, March 8, 2012

The time has come.....

Unfortunately if you do ever read this blog...its about to get REAL boring. With many a few interesting/bitchy notes about my life. But hopefully I will be a good little girl and actually update daily since...

I am going to write what I eat everyday..yay.

So far, a couple gulps of water but a good 16oz of coffee with half and half and stevia.
A gala apple and a kiwi.
More to come about lunch and dinner and snacks.

~My mom is ridiculous. Maybe she talks about me out loud downstairs JUST so I can hear the crap she's saying. She complains I never listen to her...I'M LISTENING RIGHT NOW!!!
~She wants me to be more picky with guys. I am already picky, I turn down the losers right off. Some of them are just really good at hiding the loser until later on. Not my fault.
~For instance, how was I supposed to know the last guy I was just dating had an addiction to oxy he NEVER told me about???
~And he's gone. Of course he wants to keep me as a friend. But when does that ever work? I told him no benefits and that definitely broke his Scorpio overly sexual heart. I gave him an anti anxiety pill he gave me a while back when he had a panic attack over the weekend and HE SNORTED IT. I'm yelling "Why cant you just fucking swallow it with water like a normal person??? Why do you have to nasal shoot it like a drug addict???" I told him if he had a car I'd ask him to leave. He said he'd leave if I wanted him too. But he had no where to go, so he stayed. Sheesh.

On to the interesting (good)....

*Had a lovely date seeing the Artist with my new little artsy skinny boy. He's scoring major points by a)rarely drinks alcohol b) smoked pot once and disliked it c) plays guitar and is in a band -so what if its cliche?- d) has an older and a younger sister e) lives in the sticks of camas f) art history major g) hes sexy h) doesnt give a shit about astrology -FINALLY someone who doesnt care- i) he's got a job at whole foods and hes going to school j) he actually paid for everything which is strange but my last dudes were all so poor k) HE HAS SEEN CASABLANCA! guys have never seen that. so impressed. l) he's hilarious. so funny. i laughed a plenty. m)he has both parents in his life. surprise surprise nowadays. n) he seems awkwardly physically which i am loving because i have no fears about him wanting to jump my bones. no way. his hugs were those sideways quick and stiff ones. THANK GOD. o) great conversationlist p) he has a cat. and a couple chickens. BUT HES NOT VEGETARIAN THANK GOD #2. q) and to end with the coolest letter Q, Q is for quirky because I can tell he was a loner in high school which is opposite of me and he just seems offbeat and thats what I need. I'm sick of macho men trying to prove something to me.

*Also I'm working on my abs. Again. I can do it. I swear to myself.

*Also I'm going to start making more money now that I am not taking off half an hour for lunch everyday at one of my cafe jobs. I've been shorting myself...but whatever I eat tons of shit there lol.

Happy women's day.....

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