Wednesday, September 21, 2011

3 Essential C's in life....

Today I'd like to touch on 3 important C words in my life, and Cunt, Custard, and Colbert are not them.
As a matter of fact, it is Creativity, Challenge, and Communication.
These are three items that I want to focus on daily and have come so naturally into my life, I believe they are all so pleasant and will have such a positive effect on my life. As I am a major list person, I would like to make a few lists of ways to practice these ideas and get them into motion......

*Journaling *Painting *Watercolours *Clothing design *Lyrical work *Playing guitar *Djembe *Tambourine *Skin care products *Jewelry making *Pastels *Collages *Story writing *Hair creations *New recipes 
*Share Gospel with a stranger *Do 1 hour of yoga *Hike for 3 hours *Deep clean bathroom *Deep clean room *Pray for 1 hour straight *Read Bible for 2 hours straight *Do something for my parents *Market my business *Drink tons of water *Work on essays *Pray for my enemies *Work on African song *Stand on the side of the road with a sign about Jesus *Go to Portland and raise awareness for Human Trafficking *Play and ask for Pocket Change for Uganda *Pass out cookies and pray for the homeless *Confront someone I dislike and be nice *Write my parents a letter thanking them *Iron my clothes *Jog the dog
*Write Sarah Kaye a letter and mail it *Ditto for Shayna *Call my Grandma *Call my uncle *Email clients *Call clients *Get an ad in newspaper or coffee news *Create teenager facial special *Drop off school teacher specials *Contact someone from my past *Thank someone who has impacted my life *Apologize to someone I have mistreated *Talk openly, out loud with God for an hour or so *Check in with Kate Garner and Kristie Stevens *Reach strangers for my business *Go to surrounding companies and offer them a deal @ shop *Write secret letters to people, telling them how I really feel lol
Well I think that is good for now. If I can manage to do one of those things every day, I think I will be set :D

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