Friday, September 9, 2011

"Sometimes we have watches, but we don't have the time......"

"Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who embrace her; those who lay hold of her will be blessed."
"By wisdom the Lord laid the earth's foundations, by understanding he set the heavens in place; by his knowledge the deeps were divided, and the clouds let drop the dew."

Proverbs are so delightful, I'm truly enjoying reading replace of sugar, for which I am on my 4th day of fasting. I may have accidentally consumed some (darn Debbe and her cupcakes at study!) but the idea still stands firm. I think rather than just 31 days without sugar, my ultimate goal is to live a life without it, completely. Glucose, you cannot have me!!!

On a lighter note, I had to share several of those gorgeous shots I took today. Can you believe this is basically in my own backyard? It was absolutely stunning today. The snow must have melted entirely from the mountain, as the waters were rushing faster and fuller than I had seen this time of year. It's 97 degrees for goodness sake, no rain in sight!

You notice in one of the pictures there is a sweet, moss covered rock underneath a tree, right on the water. I sat there for a while, constructing a rope-wrap sorts for my yoga mat out of my hemp and beads. I have one for my blanket which works quite well, so the next step is to assure my precious mat doesn't cause me any trouble on my trips. Today it did just fine, that's for certain. My journal didn't though, as it fell in with me when I slipped, just as my day begun. I laughed it off though and continued to soak up the sun.... grapes, an apple, 3 water bottles, Stalking Helpful Herbs book, yoga/meditation, prayer, cedar bugspray, yeah yeah yeahs and kruder and dorfmeister for musical enjoyment...I even sat topless for a while at one of my favorite spots for true exercise of freedom and spiritedness. Spiritedness is not a word, but I want it to be, so thus, it is. It is the act and attitude of being spirited, which is to have high spirits, free spirits, loving spirits, refreshing spirits, or the mindset and mood of what cannot be contained.

Containment? No.

Condiment. Yes.

Horseradish, actually. I read today that it truly has a lot of wonderful medicinal properties and can in fact be found in the wild. Fascinating, I do say ;)

I took a picture of me today too, I'm just being selfishly picky about which to post. Who knows if anyone will ever even stumble across this blog, but I'm certainly not opposed to it. :)

My, my, have I been rambling.... time to play with pastels and get back to my latest obsession-Project Runway. Fashion is a guilty pleasure of mine....shhhhh don't tell.

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