Tuesday, January 10, 2012

You can call me flower if you want to

I wish I preformed some rituals on a full moon....because right now I am staring straight out of my bedroom window at the most beautiful, brilliant, white glowing moon. Earlier it was a gorgeous soft harvest orange, much lower down, gazing behind the trees. My mom asked me once why I was so fascinated with the moon and I could only answer, why not? It's so interesting how it goes thru the cycles and affects the tides....well, all water. Since we are made of 80% water I believe it affects people too. But since I'm out of my New Age ways I really have nothing special to do on Full Moons....

Anyway, the photographs...aren't they lovely? New tattoo for 2012. I've decided I really should only get one tattoo a year, for my birthday, as a present every year. I'd love to get a couple of the Blue Cornflowers with Scarlet Begonias all around them....just wonderful and the maroon with the violet blue look great together, eh? I'm going to bring down some pictures to the artist soon and have him draw up something awesome! Something up along my side, it shall be sexy.

Speaking of sexy, yes on the lip ring and the conch piercing for my left ear...but the tongue!? Tongue piercing is a tough decision. After so much reading and research, there really are a lot of pros and cons. It's pretty equal. I suppose I will make my final decision just beforehand. Even watching a youtube video of it getting done, I did not think it looks so bad. It's going to be awkward talking at work though....ugh idk. 

Lately, I've been having dreams about love. Like two nights in a row, I am deeply in love with someone...and it's like the right one. Not just sexual or a fling or young love, but its forever..they are a true, honest, Jesus-loving person who truly cares about me and wants to make a serious commitment. It feels so real in the dream, I've waken up both mornings in a daze and in unbelief that I am actually single.

Patiently waiting...........but patiently doesn't exactly mean there's a thrill with the wait :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the comment!! I really appreciated it! I also totally wrote a very long answer! but I don't actually know if I ended up answering your questions very well....whoops ;P Oh well, it does mention some of my life with Jesus! sooooo...I think it should suffice ;) Feel free to ask any more, I find blogging more enjoyable with a social twist. :)

    Wow sounds like a couple great dreams! You know the Cartoon cinderella says a dream is a wish your heart makes...(I've got to quit quoting cinderella :P ) Here's some verses that I think are applicable instead. "Trust in the LORD and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD; and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, and He will do it." I think it just means to live and walk humbly with Him and He'll take care of providing us with awesome lives in Him. :)

    Patience is funny, cause I love God to have patience with me in my walk with Him, yet I so often can't wait for Him or His timing. Haha writing that shows me how selfish I am, so glad He's loves us and is changing us. Anyway, I also love that Patience(sometimes called longsuffering) is a fruit of His Holy Spirit in our lives. Something that we can trust Him for and in the mean time He fills our lives with joy and peace(if we let Him).

    I also like full moons, I even bought a Camera with a good zoom for the express purpose of getting a great shot of it :) Unless your interests are....of a different nature...(you don't turn into a werewolf or anything do you(said in whispered tone) :P (Weird comment alert!!)

    Anyway thanks again for the comment! Godbless! and sweet dreams ;)

    P.S. Here is a great bit of His word I pray encourages you when you read it. "Jesus answered and said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.” The woman *said to Him, “Sir, give me this water, so I will not be thirsty nor come all the way here to draw.” His life in us can't help but overflow, just giving, giving, giving some more! So awesome hey!
